Road Traffic Offences


We have extensive experience in dealing with the full spectrum of RTA offences. We have listed some of the most common ones below:


Most Frequent RTA offences:

  • Speeding offences – contravention of the various speed limits.
  • Driving without insurance or permitting someone else to drive without insurance.
  • Not providing driver information in contravention of s.172
  • Driving without due care and attention in contravention of s3 RTA 1988-
  • Failing to stop/report an accident. You must report within 24 hours of the accident. S.170 RTA 1988
  • Driving without a licence – this usually goes hand in hand with driving without insurance.
  • Dangerous Driving – very serious offence.
  • Drinking & Driving – where alcohol exceeds the legal limit.


We defend clients robustly at the police station and at court. We take RTA offences very seriously as often the livelihood of our clients are at stake.



We at SVS Solicitors, offer representation for summary only (Dealt with in the Magistrates Court) motoring offences on a private basis.


For the following type of Hearings we offer representation at a fixed rate of £800 plus VAT (20%).

  • Guilty plea and sentence on the same day
  • Sentence Hearing after a previous Guilty Plea has been entered into
  • Plea Hearing for you to enter into your plea on the same day
  • A Mention Hearing
  • Exceptional Hardship hearing


This fee includes the following:

  • Taking your instructions
  • Liaising with the Prosecution to obtain and consider evidence where it is available
  • Providing advice in relation to plea, court procedure and likely sentence
  • Where appropriate, advise on external hardship, or whether a special reasons argument should be made.
  • Attending to represent you at Court for your hearing.
  • Writing to you in relation to the hearing and  its outcome.


For the following type of Hearings we offer representation at a fixed rate of £1400 plus VAT (20%)

(Where a senior barrister is used this rate will be £1600-£3000 plus VAT (20%) depending on the complexity of the case (i.e involving technical legal arguments) and level of experience of counsel.*

  • Trial hearing (Additional Trial days, i.e. 2nd day of trial hearing will be £800 plus VAT (20%) for each hearing)
  • Special Reasons Hearing
  • Newton Hearing

This fee includes:

  • Taking your instructions.
  • Liaising with the Prosecution to obtain and consider evidence.
  • Representation at the hearing.
  • Taking witness statements if required.
  • Writing to you in relation to this matter and sending ongoing correspondence where required. 



Disbursement costs required in your case (i.e  Expert/Medical Reports) will be payable by you in addition to the above fees.  Any disbursement costs will be agreed with you prior to incurring these.  Please do not hesitate to contact us at any point if you require further information in relation to this.



Time Scales

We can not  provide a specific figure on the length of your case due to a number of external factors which can affect this (i.e. adjournments/crowded court listings/vacated hearings), however we can provide time estimates based on previous experience.


For Magistrates Court cases which are contested, matters usually take between 3-8 months from your first appearance to conclude.


For guilty pleas, on occasion the matter can be concluded at the first appearance if probation are not required or can see you on the same day in good time.



Solicitors who regularly deal with motoring offences are as follows:


Mr James Ojukwu, a Solicitor with over 7 years post qualification experience within our firm will have conduct of your case. James qualified in May 2016.


Mr Rob Johnson, a Solicitor with over 10 years post qualification experience will be responsible for the supervision of the work. Rob qualified in 1998.


Ms Shenel Johnson, a Solicitor with over 10 years post qualification experience. She will also be responsible for the supervision of the work. Shenel qualified in 2006. 


The Managing Director and Solicitor, Mr Sasha Sidhu (over 10 years post qualification experience), has overall responsibility on behalf of SVS Solicitors. Sasha Sidhu qualified in 2004.